The Box – CAF Quickdraw 2023
As part of the “Inklings” team, “The Box” was our submission to the Cardiff Animation Festival 2023’s Quickdraw event- a 48 hour short film challenge where teams are given said amount time from being given the prompt, and submitting a complete film. The prompt for 2023 was “Mini”.
My Animations
Here I animated the protagonist and the giant figure. It was a really fun challenge to get the acting down on such an extreme angle.
Compositing and background: Ruari Chisolm
SFX and Music: Ohm Vaewuthinand
The panic sets in!
Compositing and background: Ruari Chisolm
SFX and Music: Ohm Vaewuthinand
The Finished Film
It was the first year I participated in the CAF Quickdraw, and it was really fun to come up with and realize ideas in such break-neck speeds, as well as working with friends to make something fun to watch!
The films’ scope was limited, but we felt it was a good choice as it was our first time working together on a project, and we wanted a semi-polished outcome. The general concencus was we smashed it, and returning next year we would push our limits to see our full 48 hour potential.